If the days after the fudged “freedom day” in the UK are anything to go by, there will plenty of new opportunities for brands to offer new kinds of protection and care as countries relax their lockdowns.
Travelling across the country this week, it’s been noticeable how common masks still are, while at the same time, pubs, shops and restaurants are rammed. It seems that people want to maintain a sense of being protected, or they are conscious of the ongoing need to look after others, while also wanting as much fun and connection as they can get. This is underpinned by a public mood that seems to be equal parts euphoria and terror.
Navigating these feels challenging for everyone, therefore products and services that can genuinely make it easier for people may stand to benefit. Brands that work with key areas like personal hygiene and categories that have had less opportunity during lockdown like sex tech can obviously make the most of this opportunity. It also feels like a major opportunity for the hospitality sector to show leadership.
Brands and services should be asking themselves – How to make the new freedom feel okay, not just for those individuals who would style themselves as fearless, but for the many?
If you’d like to chat to us about how your brand can play a role in the transition out of lockdown, please get in touch. Or for more like this straight to your inbox, sign up to our newsletter.